Browsers, Chatbots, or Both?

If you are like most people I know, the default web application on your phone or computer is your internet browser. It seems we spend a huge amount of time looking for information and relying on our browsers to find it for us. The problem of course is that even though our browsers return possiblyContinue reading “Browsers, Chatbots, or Both?”

What will be the next big thing in AI?

In my book ( I suggested that the AI revolution is going to develop along the lines of the personal computer revolution in the late 1970’s. That revolution had a slow start with hobbyists, then grew to a handful of manufacturers (Apple, Atari, Commodore, etc.) Even IBM’s late entry to this field was lackluster byContinue reading “What will be the next big thing in AI?”

Can AI Create Decent Music?

As an amateur blues guitarist, I looked at a lot of AI composition tools as I was finishing a new book on AI ( co-authored by my friend George White, an AI expert since the late 1960’s. While the book mentions some tools that don’t quite fit the bill, a new tool arrived ( thatContinue reading “Can AI Create Decent Music?”

Kin: A personal chatbot

I’ve been a beta tester for a new conversational chatbot, Kin ( This tool has some amazing features that make it quite different from another tool, For one thing, every conversation is encrypted so that even the good folks at Kin can’t read your conversations. Some of this security is driven by Danish rulesContinue reading “Kin: A personal chatbot”

How educators should choose a chatbot

While I mention many chatbots in our new book on AI (in press), we have two favorites and there is a reason they should probably be your favorites as well. It isn’t just because they are free, have few hallucinations, or have great versatility. It is because, unlike many other chatbots, they provide the sourcesContinue reading “How educators should choose a chatbot”